Looks pretty cool, I noticed it was a volcano before I even read the description lol.
Re: A Huge Covenant Cannon that actually works! This looks awesome!
The 360 wins anyways lol. Anyways, for the RROD, you can use the "B" signs(the red signs) and make them a diamond sort of shape.
Double boxes don't move, but if you want to use the plasma coil things, put a patlette or whatever in the sky, over the hole in the wall, and...
So, do you shoot the Radar Jammers at point blank to get that much distance or farther away?
What type of machinima is it? And what setting do you want the machinima to be in?
There's a new tutorial on Forging 101 on this exact topic. It's really interesting, you should look at it.
Grand Fiasco is sometimes "Big Disaster". Either way, it's a pretty good map, although there are better(no offence).
Yeah, the multiple ones would be the best idea because if not, each team would have one person dedicated to sniping the predictable box coming...
Pretty cool tutorial, thanks :).
Try soccer. I tried and it sorta worked. It comes with soccer balls, already!
Some work, some don't. Most of the time, it's because of spawning issues.