Yeah, but I don't think you understand me. I didn't have to do anything. Besides try and place the object of course, but I didn't have to perform...
Sorry, I edited it.
There's only 2 floors? Lol.
Today, I was Forging on Foundry, and was placing a Warthog near the wall with the windows, and then it went outside! I didn't even need to glitch!...
Hey...Hey...Hey..Hey. I agreed with him lol. Don't I get a thank you?
Re: Confused. Lol, that's good to say.
I love your animated signature. Did you make it yourself? *Must keep watching*.
Yeah, with all the "action" going on in American schools sometimes. I seriously don't think this is a good idea. Sorry, but if this is just me,...
I've never played Bioshock(and don't have plans to, either) but this sounds alright.
Yeah, this is the only thing I can think of that actually makes green explosions.
Use roofs, apparently this makes cities look more realistic(obviously, lol.). Make one or two good buildings, or 5-6 crappy buildings lol. And be...
Put receiver teleporter node on there, and then it's impossible to move it. Lol, and if you do this with the Elephant on Sandtrap, you can get...
Sounds like a nuclear explosion map lol. Like guardian with all the explosives.
Re: pooping aligator Bump, I really want to learn how long it takes for the thing to crap again lol.
Re: Storm the Beach *BNG Fav* Queued. Is it really hard to get to the beach by yourself?
I played this map today, and have to say I loved it. There's no way you can cheat, although it would have been somewhat better if you placed...
This sounds cool, can anybody recommend this?
Lol, I still say you stole my map n :squirrel_giggle:ame. Just kidding.
Re: Super Duper Cinematic Megaplex!!!! :3 CLICK HERE ('3') Lol, looks pretty neat.
Re: pooping aligator How often does it...You know?