Re: Fiery Deathball I broke your map, twice. I found it was possible to actually get over to the enemy's side by crouch jumping and swinging the...
I played this with you, and it was neat. Why don't you answer me on XBL?
Wow, and non-foundry race map, awesome.
You do know I was being truthful right? I love the captions, too.
I love the "City" type map.
Yeah, but from what I can see around some of the players, it looks really awesome. Nice job.
I agree with that. The first picture, again, perfectly depicts this.
Did you get the mines in the minefield to automatically arm?
I'll download it, but I'll ask this: How did you create the animated .gif of the map?
Whoa dude, that first picture CANNOT be real. But why did you place the grav lifts or mancannons.
So are you sure there's no way to get both types of things?
WOW. The first picture makes it look like it's made of gold for some reason.
Pictures or no download.
Re: SPARTAN CITY We need pictures in order to download the map.
Re: fortess w/ pics No problem. You should spread out the weapons in the weapon room, though.
There's some "Punch" gametype with only plasma pistols, when people use the charged shot to disable the enemy's shields and then punch the enemy...
HIH were the original finders of this glitch, you know.
Did anybody else notice that the OP's picture looks like a face?