Epic screenshot, I"m going to steal it for my background lol. I love how it's simple and a dramitc explosion behind. All my screenshots turn out...
Please turn off signitures Sorry to drift off the topic but as it has already been stated please turn off your signitures. Even if you have...
Finally someone says something Excellent statement, and finally someone posts a comment on here. Anyone willing to argue against it?
Blah! wrong site w/e
Yes I did post on our fail group.
Graffiti itself isn't bad, what is bad it is when it is vandelizing property. In my own opinion I think it is also bad when it is promoting gangs...
Very cool and pretty simple I like that in a screenshot I don't like it when they are too cluttered. Very impresive. o/
I was trying to say something more original but I couldn't think of anything. Anyway these are some of the best screenshots I've seen I would...
One day my friend approached me asking me "Do you think athletes make too much money?" At first I was surprised by his question (becuase normally...
I completly agree with you there, you took the words right out of my mouth. And my school is kind of the same except the only running we do are 6...
I have not heard of people arguing against this, it intrigues me. Where i live the drinking age is 18 and i don't notice much about it. That is...
I really wish that they would ban more places from smoking in canada or at least in my province. It is really annoying walking around holding my...
Yes i know people will be argueing against that point for a while but would you really say it's a bullshit statement? Everyone has their own will...
lol tex no need to get mad at me i'm not posting any views i wanna straighten something out. To the people who are saying "gtfo of the thread" and...
Very original and very well built (like his only one lol) i love playing this minigame. Did you fix the zombie getting out of his play pen?...
I did in fact read the messages before me although i am not the most absorbent person. Sorry if i missed any key facts or comments. Actaully...
I take into consideration of all the statements before me but i still think it should not be legalized. What good reason is there to legalize it,...
This is best best minigame i have ever played by far. But i do agree with Speed e cake. In my opinion this deserves very high praise on...
I love the prowler its just so awesome..... k sorry thats a lie i just thought the prowler needed some attention. But like all the people above me...
The swings was a big hit and i really enjoyed but i kind of wished you didn't have to keep hitting the humans to kill them, becuase it took too...