try looking at this thread it will improve your map a ton if you decide to make a version 2 which i strongly suggest ghost merging
i like the design very beautiful. ok now on to what will make your map epicness, it looks escapable and the floor isnt merged so when you play it...
the layout is great and your forging is pretty sick but the warthog looks like it would be an issue, humans hop in warthog, then zombies start...
this is incredible, im tired of so many people making race tracks in the sky that all look the same, but this is unique. i dont really play race...
I like your natural structures and interlocking, very nice! But your map doesnt really replicate powerhouse, for a version 2 what if you built it...
nice! but i noticed that there arent that many guard rails, that will make people freak when playing especially if theyre lucky enough to dodge a...
yeah it looks like its just a race to the high ground and the middle is way to open. Try lowering your high points, adding more routes to the high...
This is amazing!! Your forging on this map is incredible. But I cant say how gameplay is ATM because I dont own a 360, so when I go to my cousins...
I like that you did a lot of original asymetric structure and ghost merged, its a nice touch. But it need more cover, its WAY to open!
is the video all they released?
not bad 4/5
never mind, it works!!!!!
THis is just a guess but maybe its a remake of elongation??? cuz longshore sounds lyk one longggg shore.... IDK