GOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDD TYYYYYYYYY very very good i liked the 2 scene when you killed that one guy with that one gun
like the idea but looks to me like there are to much holes in the ground and people might get real pissed off from falling so much becuase there...
look amazingly creative but the idea just doesnt suit me..... i just cant see somebody making a good halo wars game in halo 3 NOT SAYING YOUR BAD...
wow kinda simaler to what my friend did except his is insane we forgot to make it on the new maps im not going to tell you what it is though cuz i...
Amazing i have introduced this game to my friends and they loved it! unfortunately all 3 of us wanted to play so i forged it so there are more...
Definatly Downloading.... very creative and galaga is my absolute favorite arcade game.... why does everyone think pacman and mario are the best?...
somebody please make a fat kid database. who doesn't love a good game of fat kid? i know i want to see some cool new fat kid maps but cant find...
Looks great! really good for making a remake of the biggest maps on one of the smallests! very good!
LOOKS FUN but i cant see the pics theyre to tiny!
i tried it and it wasnt what i expected maybe put no radar?
looks fun!
i never played **** zombies cuz i dont have cod but this looks awsome!
it would be really cool, there are some video's of the whole maps on i would suggest doing orbital, i think that what its called its...
SIMPLY AMAZING!the detail! how did you make those stairs so perfect!!!! i DLed and rated it a 10!