thanx guys, but I'm uploading a v2.0 rite now as we speak, so u can forget about this old thing, major, major facelift. ull c soon :)
well sorry grunthunter that it offended you. just don't download it then i guess. nd I'm glad I inspired u to make a thread on religion tho :) i...
I believe in satan (all hail). he is a kind loving god. it might be a religion that's looked down apon, but it's not as bad as people say. I mean...
thanx guys, yea in v2 im working on now, im adding alot of more "rounded" features. I'm gana make the main chapel (1st floor)'s ceiling much...
yea but that would make 5-6 entrances, nd the church is kinda small. nd corect me if i'm wrong, but more entrances would mean they prob would die...
never played pd, but the lv looks solid, i love the shotgun room 2, i love how u made the diamond pieces. will download nd give better feedback soon.
Holy crap It's the cage on steroids! lol just from glancing at the pics i would agree with sniper to add more "platform" kinda areas for some more...
this map looks realy fun with alot of players, since i never can get more then even 8 playing with me tho, i prob won't download, but i would love...
just learned sumn new :D
cosmic - thanx for noticing the fontain, that was actualy a quik 2 min forge to make up for running out of stones, so use it up im sure u could...
realy? wow I didn't know everyone on forgehub had such strong christian views. I'm not changing the cross, the only thing I'm doing is making a...
lmao this is so awsome, this realy shows off your precision. if only u could custimize spartan size in a custom game.....if only....
thanx minon. yea outside, i thought the rocks would help with that, but i kept testing with some friends after i posted, seems i will have to make...
[IMG] Zombie minions! spill the blood of the humans on the altar! Do this for your dark lord! The fibile humans are trying to hide in our...
yea sorry bout a half hour after writing that i wanted to take it back but was too lazy to go back online nd coment again. realized the...
ok i feel bi-pollar rite now bc my view on this map is torn. the lack of recognizable aesthetics, the fact that the telliporters seemed random and...
wow yea woulda never knew bout this map if he didnt dig it up thanx lol im new here.... anyways, tried it love it! is there any other dinosaurs i...
hey saw your maps thanx to ur post on vulcan. thats kinda messed up the guy tried to take credit for some of your work. Dude not just this map,...
U know i was gana write back nd tell u what a great job u did on the caves, but i guess that's pointless now after reading other coments. anyway,...
cant give an honest rate with how it playes, me nd a friend 1v1 lmao took forever. anyways, the rockets nd alien rockets seem much especualy with...