just experiment, if i told u exactly what blocks to use it wouldn't exactly be your own style lol but some comon pieces that are big, nd look...
this looks realy realy ugly lol. I like what I can see as far as the design for the map, and it looks like you got your walls nice and even, but...
hey map looks great, def will give a download. regardless of whats said it looks like a nice clean forge with consistancy and the rocky/sand areas...
map looks clean, nd looks great. the pieces you used for the flooring in the middle are difforent, nd new to the eye, i like. I love the thin...
thanx guys, i'm glad u all like the new look. let me know how it plays for you once you guys get to have a game on it. glad you guys are all as...
V 0.3 IS UP! My theory: bungie's forge maps are bad. The community definitely outdid them. good job guys. My idea: bungie had some good...
i am in the middle of making a map, i noticed every day when i load back up my map, all the large brace pieces are difforent from where i set...
the bunny the bear = awsome, just sayin
i agree with panic, exept the tunel area with the 5x1s, i like them too! .__. but he is rite about asthetics, pic 3 almost looks bad, bridge, 1x1...
was thinking the same thing. looks great, will give it a try
don't look bad at all for ur 1st, keep it up, might try this out l8r
wish i had map pack looks amazing from pics. hope this isn't spaming, just wanted to drop some credit for a nice looking map. when, if ever i have...
thanx man, yea i feel like my skills have improved, still wana keep improving them tho. working on another map now, but will take a while to get...
I din't realy get a good "understanding" of the map just from the pics, but i will def download nd try later, looks like a fun, well built map.
i realy like the dark look u have to the map. looks good, but i never played the original. will download nd give better feedback. but like i said,...
the designs look like the maps play well. will try the smaller ones with some friends, if you are hosting some games nd u wana play threw ur map...
artifact - everyone is chill mon no worries lol well u never will kno if u dont. grunthunter- thanx dude josh - thank u. if anyone has any...
hobo - thanx, hope u enjoy :) basket - didn't really change it bc "i was bullied by the cathlic kids" just figured if it was offending people,...
8ball - thanx dude, felt like i improved since then, some how.. idk, mabie just took some more time. the steps are kinda bumpy, but easy to jump...
1st off I wana apologize to the people I offended in v1. I just figured the church being satanic would bring some comic humor to things, but if...