My computer took a crap on me, nd I can't link with my crappy droid, wich is what im posting with now, so really sorry I can't link... Refuge by...
Dude in the 2nd to last screenshot the inclines roofing the one structure, the collosium wall roof snug on top of it, the glass sails, all of it...
Well its a small step reaper, but those custom bunkers look pretty damn nice. I would love to see how u improve the asthetics of the map improve...
Looks great, I have like 100the more things to say but ill resist nd let u kno more oncei actualy get to play on this. Awsome job
I like the hallway in the 1stafternoon gameplay pic, nd the glass covers look nice, but how is fr? Nd things do look cramped, ill give a try nd...
Dude I love how gold room looks, everything looks great, a few lil things that I think could look a bit better, although note this is just piece...
I actualy played on this and impressed. There's a whole lot this got over asylum. Asylum actualy has some z fighting (ew how un pro) nd seems...
Same as my gamertag dude so feel free to add me, nd sounds gud
Thanx guys, nd fr is fine unless u play splitscreen. The 2x1smap are just to reflect some light, nd since they are near the glassy needle riffle...
I love the different levels nd ramps, nd how the structure looks incorporated into the mountain well. The map looks good, asthetics look nice, but...
But the game play looks like it would be bad too. + we know gameplay>asthetics, but it don't mean some1 is gana play on an eyesoar
acutaly never played halo 2 :/ although I did google it, didn't notice somthing hanging. actualy got the idea from a friend watching me forge i...
thanx bullet2thehead, glad u liked the flag stand chain lol let me know how the map played for you whenever u get the chance :D
the tower you made is awsome. there seems to be alot of really cool asthetics around the map. in pic 4 I dont like how that 2x4/3 block is merged...
now i really wish i could afford the Anniversary Map Pack now... damn dude those pieces nd lighting look so fresh O_Q would so play this. Looks...
honestly, I gatta agree with clinical with this. and he's not saying it's choppy bc the flow isn't smooth... there's alot of work that can be done...
wow dude, def wana download nd give a try, i read the 7x7 challenge rules nd then saw this and i must say impressive. will give a try
SHRUB Hello :D :D :D Sorry for last nite, was too lazy to write a good discription, so here's a little more on shrub: the goal: I decided...
Dude I got to say the gametype and the map played like crap for 1v1. The sniper a)spawned way to fast. b) overpowering. Me and my friend lost...
Me and my friend are actualy in the middle of our 2nd game on this, we paused so I can tell you this: the map is amazing. Not only is the...