This actually is a really good idea, but there is definatly CRITICAL thinkin involved here. What parts of the map will you copy? Will you focus on...
It doesn't work well at all know, but luckily I started talking to supertoaster and he's one of my best friends of forge hub now.
I had learned a lot by myself, withought forging 101 nor others help. It tooks me severals months to get the hang of forge though, and if you had...
You can try to experiment and try to find new interesting ways to open doors. If you just want a list of ways to open doors, go to forging 101, it...
Man, I was looking forward to getting sandbox but with all these glitches and happening to geomerge the classic way, I just seems to lose some...
Pictures would really help me name the map, also, some good ideas to put in mind while naming it... 1) Never do something completely simple....
Gameplay>Asethetics All that needs to be said.
Nice toaster, also, how do you change your profile name here? I see you did that, so tell me the secret. Read your PM's too, I proposed the maps...
The man cannon is not like the cannons on the actual narrows, because the cannon actual centers you and gives you perfect aim to a certain point....
This idea of war is very interesting, but I have noticed one thing from the very start. Tactics are required. Since you respqwn in 30 seconds, you...
If you ask me, this needs to be on sandbox. The main reason is you can't have a battle like Halo Wars if you are in this tiny, enclosed space. The...
But since we found an unlimited money glitch... there will be great havic if there was not item limit.
I am not the best at making switches, but I can make them and they do work. Unfortanetly I rarely put them in my maps because in the end, my maps...
I knew that... but yes I don't care about the cash much either.
I agree the OLN is needed, but item limits is what kills me most of the time.
I have thought of a new type of gametype, General VIP. Well this game is actually team slayer, but with a few extra things. Unlike other VIP...
@ Thorax tehGREAT: Yes, I made one on the pit and I thought I would continue it. (Look at my signature)
That is why you make games simple. It is sad to say but that is too complicated for some people. This map and gameplay is a little bit more...
Radin' Raider and Guardian07 presents ~~The Last Stand Map Pack~~ Brief Description of Gameplay Well we have not finished the maps yet, but...
Well I hate to rain on your parade, but one has been made on Last Resort... But you can still do one on the sky bubble of sandbox if you want....