Of yours' or mine?
trololol Your avvy is Frodo again. I've been thinking about changing mine too, although I'm not so sure I will. I might use either this or this.
I hardly ever use it, but why you may ask?
Lone Souls in a Lost Mine by REMkings Kingdom Come by CoookkieMonster Skyline Terrors by Minion Because who needs slayer maps ;P
I thought it wasn't too bad. Just the cell phone part made me want to hang myself. I heard rumors saying she might be in the closing ceremony....
so i herd no miku at them oleempiks
OMFG! Link that video to me ASAP
That would be me... Kat - I'd rather use her real chest, the plain chest, than use her robotic arm with a different chest. I made sure I took it...
Was he very pissed when you trolled him?
The kid that got trolled was probably too lazy to make his own world.
I got bored today, so I decided to take pics of myself dressed in Noble Team attire. Of course, you can't get the armor and colors exactly...