Can you survive 9 minutes of patrick saying he loves you? - YouTube
Same chick, different pic.
This was a forum game idea I created a long time ago. Here's how it goes: First, a user posts a random picture. Then, another user must figure out...
sexy avatar
omg I ****in' loved Ed Edd 'N Eddy. One of my all time favorite cartoons.
Yes. Why are these strawberries on my nipples? They need to be in my fruit salad.
******nt I'm guessing this is an inside joke?
Pretteh cool brah. Now explain to me your avatar.
Looky what I found. Halo Reach Forges - Savage - YouTube
I'm surprised you haven't told me what anime I should watch....
I meant the idea and atmosphere reminds me of Nowhere, USA. Both consist of a small and sole building on a highway in the middle of butt**** nowhere.
hey oreo
To me it looks like you made Insanmiac's "Nowhere, USA" and turned it linear. Its not a bad thing at all though. Other than that I don't like how...
Well that explains why :P
Honestly, I could never picture you as a drifter. I guess that's why you play lots of Forza :P My cousin's family is into racing a lot too, but...
---------- Sport includes motorsport right? Drifting and F1 If it has to be a physical sport, I'd say Quidditch. If it HAS to be a real...
It's funny because I'm more used to seeing your last one. Probably because if someone uses the same avvy for a month I get used to it :P