For the record, Schnitzel isn't too happy that they didn't give him credit at all even though he made the majority of the map.
Cool. Cool cool cool. What is it this time? Hmmm... ?
Thanks! :3
You sound like a pimp.
Well your past kabillion avvys were girls, so no answer is probably needed. Who is she?
Is that a guy or a girl?
Halo Reach Forges - Kernal - YouTube
I remember playing it when I was younger. The environment was absolutely outstanding, but I wish they didn't have to have stamina and working out...
(spoiler)This is a sentence.(/spoiler) Replace the () with [].
If only Bungie still did Halo...
Yo dawg, we should put our anime pics for Sky in spoilers from now on. Some people here are tired of seeing them in blogs. What u gon do 'bout it?
Dammit Insane, way to be a combobreaker. Anyway, I'm Zigywig. I'm on your friends list even though we don't talk.
I was gonna wish you happy birthday, but you never visit this site anymore.
You were about 7 months late lol Thanks anyway.
I wonder how many staffer maps will be featured...
Someone give this guy a medal. Vehicles were fun, and most times were used in maps made for shits and giggles, but they're not essential. To add...