haha i tried to make al loop yesterday, i was really proud of it and then i realised i hadn't done it right and you couldn't get off the loop :(
keep trying, theres a special method to it ok my friend just downloaded this and he loved it he told me to make another one so you can expect a...
thats not ghost jumping thats cloning... ghost jumping is where you jump upwards into a small ledge (not large enough to stand on) crouched and...
i'll help test fo sho just hit me up whenever im on and i'll join asap gt:kevinb1231996
errm you could make wire traps (they only work once per round btw) i will put two diff vids up and both are fantastic #1: YouTube - "Halo 3"...
mlgpro were updating the whole site went down for a bit
in halo 1 (not sure about h2) it was supposed to recalibrate your controller (they sometimes used to make your reticle move in a direction even...
yeah i think so but sorry i got linked to it by a friend over at mlg pro ages ago if you go there and ask im sure someone will have a link
for the spawns change the gametype to every different one and the starting points are the ones you've left up there and for instant respawn dl the...
i just dl'd this and OMG! its fantastic,it's so smooth it felt like i was flying, it has all those huge bank turns and then those fantastic hills...
that also makes them bounce 100ft up..
oh ok i will check out this ledge and try to fix thanks for the heads up
did anyone else find the last one easy?
really, you found the last one easy? could you pm me saying how you did it because there may be a flaw (lol im not sure i just thought that that...
how do you feel about co-forging? if you want you can send me a FR and we could make one together :)
oh yeah and if anybody does think they've broken it please dont post a method here but could you please pm me
hmm, it was quite easy, thats not necessarily a bad thing though as i've just been trying to do some other very hard puzzle maps lol im gonna...
i think the clues are a bit revealing, i will rate after i play
that slide jump is very possible i got it first try (i made a map ages ago to practice slide jumping :P)
ok good to hear that i didnt make it too easy, that puzzle just requires a little bit of exploration its one of the easier ones