do we need to use the 2 grenades we start with? Ok i give, can someone pm me how to do the ghost room?
adam, you are a god. i was going to start working some sort of formulae out at some point, but this is perfect, the spreadsheet and everything!...
oh, that sucks =[ thanks anyway.
sorry, i don't quite understand?
i have made a racetrack, everything works ok untill someone dies. when they do, they spawn on the last checkpoint as i want them to, however they...
the dingy's on longshore sink :(
^^^ wow the floating glitch posted above is amazing. for those of you to lazy to read his post what you do is: the normal no clip glitch but when...
imo ghost merging=legit
you cant set teleporter to respawn never can you? EDIT: i forgot ghost...
wow this is amazing i tried it and it worked first time the only problem i can see is that the object wont geo or interlock more than about half...
no (damn i had to add extra text because 2 characters isn't a valid message so i thought i'd point out that the only way that kinda thing works is...
i hate this too! i find it happens less if you don't touch the right trigger.
good first post but i could be going blind but that doesn't look much like sandbox to me :P map looks ok too i will edit with a rating if i play...
a kill ball is an immovable object it will move in forge after you have placed it if it hasn't completely settled but in game it is solid as a rock
hahaha amazing my friends spent ages dying but since i've actually attempted a similar map before(i failed really badly) i could spot all the...
just sit the scorpion on tin cup(s) and then it cant drive around but can turn 360 and no view obstuctions
you have to embed your images. take screenshots in theatre go to use the forgehub link and just paste it on here
when i forge my tracks (not that good btw) i tend to use a mixture of this and the teardrop method
damn someone beat me to it. i found this a while ago but couldnt be bothered to post it until now sorry if this is old