haha kinda looks like you were just bored, i sorta made a trmapoline using some teleporters
nice, i can tell u put a lot of work in to it!!!
nice looks good
pics are not working!!! and this is a pretty old idea
haha the video makes me laugh..... and over here is a floating CRAP!!! I HIT THE DEATH BARRIER!!!! doesn't sound like the map would work very well
cool, little sloppy though
hmmm looks cozy :)
kinda sounds like the stereotypical infection map, not much PIZZAZ!!! you know?
i want to DL this but my xbox got the red ring :( vissually it looks neat, but doesn't stand out to me, although from what i have heard the...
Looks pretty good, but you probably want to fix ur pics or people will start giving you a hard time
Re: Spillway this reminds me of one of the dlc maps from halo 2 the name escapes me at the moment but it was the one with like cranes overhead...
i love this i never would of thought to put a game like this into a first person shooter im dling right now!!!
holy crap i actually thought about making a map like this the other day
guys he arleady said he wasnt satisfied with the map, and i know your trying to give constructive criticizem but not everyone is the ultimate...
true, but im going to make a 2nd version of mine that i think will set it apart from the rest of them and when im done im going to post it
i like this map its got symmetry to it and looks like it plays well
no problem ill keep an eye out for other maps of yours
my version is a single level and like yours octagon shaped and it has fusion coils and shield doors around a foot away from the walls to provide...
aaa i see great minds think a like i made a colloseum map but my version is much smaller with pistols as the starting weapon with a sword located...
i noticed earlier that the infinite money glitch was used and im a noob so can any one explain how to do this glitch?