be cool if you had a working conveyor belt, but i like it nice remake
lol i like the cliff aswell for unsuspecting drivers to fall over.... hehe :)
i like it looks fun ill dl
i like the look, but you should post action screenshots to show how it plays
some of the interlocking looks unnessacary. kinda looks like you interlocked for the sake of interlocking
needs more screenshots
hes especially sneaky
kinda simple, but is it your sig too?
yeah i was thinkin the soulja boy dance
haha thats great
nice job
thats really cool looking. where is the so called "blue room"
dude that awesome
really kool perspective on this one
haha i bet he was pissed
i really like the assassins creed one it looks like hes about to pwn the ghost
i agree with the other tow the background is a little distracting
haha hes the karate kid
the one in the back looks like a girl to me i dont know why though