u finish v3 yet?
can somebody link me to the newest omega journey and saw v4?
why are people voting terrible? this map looks sick, but u should make ur gametype king of the hill.
what changed in v2?
sometimes people spawn in the wrong cage. it was fun
what stops the cats from getting out of the hornet to kill them...
lol suck up.
i hope this ugly ass ***** is joking...
the map looks nice but i spawned outside of the map twice in the first game...we were playing 2v2.
LOL. downloaded and this map was fun. we played it about 3 times straight. maybe u should add easier ways for the prisoners to escape like...
have u tried it with extra damage resistance so it takes multiple hits to kill somebody?
this is why forgehub sucks now...
forge hub was much better with the old server and guilders. only thing better now is the shoutbox.
nice map but u should get back into them gladiator maps.
u should make a good gametype for it
aright so this map looked really fun but has some glitches. u should give everyone one life because after someones infected they can also score....
looks good. u should write a custom description for the map and delete the default bungie one thats already there,
i still think u shouldve put platforms on the side of where the wraith spawns so if the accidentally get in the gunner seat, they can get out and...
ive seen this on bungie, its really fun n hes got pictures on the bungie link...u dont got to get 5 people to tell him the same thing....
im almost sure that u cant set diffrent traits for attackers and defenders in territories. i think it only works in infection n vip.