Meh, I wish, but she always pulls the "no sex for you" card. and i cant force myself, or she will scream rape :'[ Sad world we live in were we can...
Our queen toochie has been warned, Rebel! REBEL!!!
I think you look sexier in green IMO.. red is not your color my friend.
yeah yeah, your gonna owe me a peni.....err.. back massage. ;3
yeah, yeah, ill get you your chicken.
Im not made out of money woman! btw, your little gamertag picture is Grey hahahahah. Fail. I still have another month on my Xbox :D
K, now is there a way to have Fraps without...."paying" for the full price, if ya know what I mean?
FUEGO DE SAAANGRE!!!! I can has that HD thing for sony vegas? and, whats that Pc recording device you use?
I was loling so hard, saw it twice just now.
Out of breath much? This coulda been aproached more better, but all he did was YOUZA PEDOFILE SIR, A MODAFUCKEN PEDOFILE, SIR. ***** IS DOIN HER...
Its in the first page of off topic. Locked. Edit: crap, its not in offtopic :/ ask an orange member to lock plox.
I work at MadCatz. Get payed 10 bucks an hour being lazy and making orders here and there, and get craaazy as benefits for doing so. Also get...
Personally, Ps3 has never appeased to me from the get go. The only game I find cool looking is Lair. My dad bought me and my lil bro a PS3, We...
Just got an Xbox Arcade, brand new, and out of the box it had the RROD.... *sigh* Thats microsoft for ya.
Best class there is good sir. good choice :D Rouges do it from behind ;] ****ing win x2
What, so the gays are less human?
I find her quite tolerable actually, compared to her old videos, she has obviously "matured" if thats what you wanna call it. I find her quite...
I found a few catchy Megaman stuff on my travels in youtube land.
K, ill get you your chicken.