i played this just a lil bit ago and it was really funny when i couldnt get through the roadblock/crate part lol i like this map. ill b sure to...
thts what she said lol J/P :) but yea i agree with that thts y i used the budget glitch so i could expand it to a whole new level
lol :) but i just played it and what can i say it is pretty bad srry :( but i could see myself just messing around with friends on this map b4...
k i just played it let me tell u what i thought... nice interlocking, things seemed pretty even not too much 2 affect anything, weapons placment r...
yea pics r small but looks like a fun race track with some good obstacles and turns ill DL
one pic and tiny description hmm ill THINK about DLing but since im nice right now i guess i will
ive played an earlier version of this and it wuz pretty fun but urs looks alot cleaner so good job
k thnks man also whenever anyone comments here can you also comment on the bungie thread so it doesnt fall into the shadows lol :)
very nice interlocking except that one wall corner lol srry juss bugged me but the overall map looks like it has good balance along with some nice...
lol this looks like alot of fun ill DL n get a party started 2 try this out good job 4/5
lol yes i like them too they hold a special place in my heart LMAO
umm i think u removed the walls to take the pics right?? i hope i am lol.. other than that it looks like it can be a good 1v1 or 2v2 map if u did...
lol i know i cant count the number of times ive seen some house/mansion type map with 2 double boxes and a wall as the whole map lol but yea i put...
the humans have limited ammo but BR starts and the zombies have unlimited Magnum bullets which is an arguably worse gun when it come to...
lol yea i just gave a short description for the ppl on bungies cuz i know they just wanna see some pics and download and im glad that u changed ur...
what do u mean? does it just stop loading halfway??
nice pics. the bridges remind me of Onslaught and i like the Ovie/Camo spawns overall very nice map ill DL
To The Official Y35 i know it is knid of an old idea but thats cuz i just barely got a new account to post my map on bungie so yea ive had this...
from the pics it looks like u have some pretty nice interlocking skills :) and u have my DL ill comment back after i play it
thnks :) appeciate guys and to haseoice it is on my fileshare my GT id DARKLORD 123456 i think its the first one on there :)