I only have one major gripe. Everything on this map is pretty excellent, except the scarab area. The scarab area in Halo 2 was much deeper, you...
The only people who are upset about the idea of forge becoming easier are the people who would come up with as sub-par map design, but get rave...
I noticed an inaccuracy in the distance of bottom of open ramp and the corner of open lift closest to it. Namely, in lockout, you can jump from...
This is the best skybox map i've played, period. The only balance issue I could find was the banshee not having a proper counter on map (one power...
This is the kind of remake I've been waiting for. I think that, spite some of the minor alterations, this probably plays pretty close to the...
The kill ball actually radiates death from its center point. Literally. If you throw a bubble into the kill ball, and the generator comes in...
My opinions on interlocking are far different from the rest of the community, so take what I'm about to say with a grain of salt. First, I agree...
I was thinking more along the lines of having a small, cramped pathway with a slot window next to it.(Slot window here, cramped path here,...
I do have a question. What I'd like to know is, can you throw a bubble shield all the way into the killball, or does the killball destroy the...
I don't know if I can make it too much clearer, but I'll try. I'll post it in your thread as well, in a moment. Basically, what I'd like to know...
Whats most interesting about the bubble shield kill ball thing is that it may be possible to use them like doors, if the bubble can in fact cancel...
I had a thought about the OLN limit, and wondered if anyone knew the answer for sure. We know that default map objects irrevocably eat up that...
in the majority of cases where these maps would come up, (provided sandbox's basement is properly sized and not omgsmall or WTFHAX huge) I'd...
Quick recap on why foundry will get abandoned, since these two pieces of information haven't appeared in the same post yet: People will abandon...
The underground is fact. Some people may still hold out, but there's no less than three pieces of evidence 'confirming' it (as well as various...
I disagree with this portion of the theory. Given the exact photo you used, I would likely have taken the stairs, with the knowledge they give me...
Sandbox was shown twice. Once, it was shown at the end of the Edge Acceptance Vid, and another for the Gphoria vid. I conclude this because the...
How to save an image using the Foundry Designer: 1. Get the entire map on screen. Make sure you can view the entire Foundry Designer. 2. Press...
I believe they are going to release another forge map. When asked in a WWU, someone asked for an outdoors foundry, bungies responce was neither...
Dear PureCallum, Since you asked for ideas to make it better, I'll toss my two cents in. First off, this is a great idea, but its missing a few...