DtL here, I'm currently in the market for an entry level gaming headset. My girlfriend and I work varying schedules so one is us is often sleeping...
HALO ALL STARS MAP LIST [IMG] Everyone has their own opinions on which Halo maps are their favorites. So if you could bring back 12 of your...
Microsoft's successor to the Xbox 360 will be revealed at E3 2012 and developer Crytek is making a next-generation Timesplitters 4, according to...
PRECIPICE (Now in Team Slayer Matchmaking) Feel free to leave feedback in this thread or over at the Optimatch forum, I'll be checking both...
This is a new map I began building and designing a few days ago. It's coming together quite rapidly and I figured I'd show the community what I...
Outline Outline (formally Abridged) YouTube - Halo: Reach Custom map Abridged Outline is a large asymmetrical map with symmetric...
Hey everyone, I still need to get a video for my BTB map Abridged. I'm looking to do this pretty quickly, so if anyone wants to try out a pretty...
Copied from Yahoo.com Was your Xbox 360 a victim of the recent rash of "E74" errors? Affected consoles are rendered completely useless in...
ARMAGEDDON Armageddon is a new game where players struggle to control hill areas located on the map. Deadly debris falls from the sky, killing...
Q: What's Atlas? A: Atlas is a group over at Bungie.net run by Shishka. Forgers such as myself submit their map and if it passes all tests by...
I was just searching for some new games on my ipod touch when I came to an odd realization. A few weekly updates ago, it was stated that everyone...
I just found this and thought I'd share it people who have been waiting to buy an ipod touch. It looks like there will be a camera included in the...
My friend just discovered this wonderful thing known as Cha Cha and I had to share it with you guys! Its the answer to most of life's problems....
I just found this over at Bungie.net....straight from Shiska's mouth....err keyboard. He's talking about the user made content playlist. Source...
A marine determined to finish the fight. [IMG]
There is a thread over at Bungie.net that can be found here that supports an independent playlist dedicated to custom maps made by Forgehub! Lets...
I don't want any spoilers here for those who haven't seen the movie yet. Well I went and lined up to see The Dark Knight last night with a few...
Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you....the GREATEST Kung Fu movie ever made! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOBTvfVp2-UOn a serious note, I'd...
I just found this on youtube and figured I'd share with everyone. Its so lame its hilarious.....just watch:...
Gridlocked [IMG] Introduction Well I'm back with a brand new spankin' version of a FH favorite: Gridlock. To help alleviate some confusion with...