Hey hate to be the one to burst your bubble, but you can't double post (post twice in a row on the same thread), you should put your map in the...
Hey welcome to forgehub like the way you talk. Looks like some people from this thread think your someone else. Oh well it's not my place to...
It's alright, you might need a longer description and better pics though. Oh yah and the pics are only of the whip and pretty much not showing...
Hey pretty nice forge map, especially since it is on epitaph, the hardest map to forge. I always am looking for fun racing tracks, couldn't...
Pretty sweet map, love the vid you put with ot. Nice work and good job with this one. One of few maps with originality which is a good surprise....
You posted this map twice in the casual maps, also casual maps are where all infection maps and gametypes go. It's an alright map, not too much...
Hey it's an alright zombie map, but I've seen quite a few that looks like this. Can't say much for originality. If you wanna see some really...
Hey I know your balls are getting busted here on this thread, but I definetly agree with everyone else. It even says created by yourself, which...
Hey. Your tag isn't that bad. But anyways welcome to forgehub. Hope to see some of your maps soon, and I hope your welcomed with open arms.
Hey welcome back to forgehub and nice to meet you. I joined after the update so you haven't met me. Hope to see some of your maps and good luck...
Hey welcome to forgehub. I haven't seen any of your brother's posts, but I'm glad that he got you interested. Hope to see some of your maps...
Hey nice to meet you. Can't see I've seen your maps, but I'll make sure to keep an eye out for them. Good luck with future forging.
Hey Jado, welcome to forgehub. Cool that you're Australian. I can't wait to see your soccer map. I've only seen a couple soccer maps in my day...
EDIT: Sorry I double posted, I accidentily pressed the post button twice.
Hey tragic welcome to forge hub. Can't wait to see some of your maps when you post them. Hope the best for you and your maps to come. Good luck...
LOL Cool pics. Good work.
Star Wars the force unleashed looks godly awesome, but I'd still like to see another KoToR. Only gripe is that bioware didn't make KoToR 2 and it...
OMG The game looks so amazing, I can't wait to play it. Too bad I probably won't be able to play it much, because I'll be going off to college...
Hey I'm pretty new here, I just joined last week, and so far I've been welcomed with open arms, so thank you forge hub for your open kind community.
Hey welcome to forge hub, glad you love infection like I do. If you really want to play a good infection map, check out the link and the bottom...