Perhaps you can make it better Toochie! If you have some cool ideas I'd be willing to help once I get my Xbox back. I'm sure I could come up with...
I concur.. also, more of a description would be nice. Ok.. so the the shotgun controls this map. Well where is it~!? We need some more details to...
The song in the top video during the fight scene is from Mortal Kombat. Youtube proof!.. Pwnd. I WIN. KEN RULES! SHO RYUKEN! 9FH2QCzjJms I can...
Looks pretty cool... seems like it would make a good MLG map. Do you have an MLG version of the map? That would be tight.. Wish my Xbox was...
Ummm.. that was [img] MORTAL KOMBAT my favorite scene is the 2 guys popping up on either side of the crate firing at each other.....
Umm.. sure.. I'll have to go by memory so gimme a second. I'll edit this post and the main post when I get it. *[i]*thumbs up!** -EDIT-...
This is decent.. Tho I have seen a flying Pelican that used the mancannons and Grav lifts aesthetically to make them appear to be the jets. It was...
Re: Letonic - Foundry (Made by Tritive) This looks to be pretty decent. I like the interlocking and it seems like it would be pretty fun for...