Would you eat a fried dog for $5?
looks like a really good race track ill be sure to try it out
really fun map wish i could of helped test it but have my xbox taken away but it is fun and i like that u used the back of foundry good job...
looks good like how u use the back for the bases is there a point to th 2 wall corners?
what is that i dont get it shatakai
i dont really get it is there an inside or is that jus for looks pics dont really show all of the map
wow the frigit looks amazing and the monster looks really cool
it looks okay a description would help
you need to get it up to forgehub standards
this looks good and nice use of the map i will try it out
well it is a funny pic
reaaly needs to get up to standards its a really cool map doesnt work for it
oh i know whatis is now why are you useing a pic of lockdown for you pic
one of the best videos ive ever seen just amazing
looks fun for just playing with friends but not for competitive
looks very good ill have to try it
played before and it is really cool
looks insanly good ill will have to DL and play it later
looks really boring and it seems like all u did was put some doors and bridges
looks okay needs more pics to show map