wow office isnt on
hey go to shoutbox on farcry nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!
i know cause the comes out on the 23rd so idk if you will have ur sexbox back yet is microsoft gonna fix it
i knw that thing is badass i would ware it to i will definetly be able to get the money for FC2 before it comes out and mabey if i try i might...
its like an action figure with accsecories and some comic books plus the other 2 soldiers idk mabey its not to nerdy
i know the brothers in arms stuff for collecters is super nerdy i will just get regular
hahaha COD WaW collecters is 80 bucks but i am for sure gonna get that
oh i thought you ment ur username
hahahahahahaha real funny thats a nice pic of you LOL
i cant if it messes up mymoms computer i am ****ed for life lets see this name change
that sounds like a good idea
im not going to a gay porn site im not an idiot xnxx is for pron and it says GAYGUYS in the link
but then i can bring my lunch to school and be like kylehahahahaha but seriously i dont know what one to get first
oh i might get collecters i dont jnow what to get first FC2, COD:WaW, fallout, or BiA:HH it is so confusing:(
did you mea well how much did that cost
what about fallout 3
hey wat up
hey i really like your youtube videos cool that you joined
hahahahaha i wonder if he ever got forgiven for that stuff like takin the V-card or slittin his wrist vertically and then not paying for...
not much congradulations on winning SOTW ive been watching unfogivable hahahahahaha