YouTube - Call Of Duty: MW2 Leaked Info theres the video
Hey can you hang out?
sounds like a good plan
that sucks but it is only like 30 mins but that is going to be a boring 30 mins.
not much i am so pissed that i didnt get into summer school i have to have that class for a whole year now and that means a lot of projects like...
what up gangsta??????
what up thug? btw the saying under your sig is THUG that song is so beastly.
why are you a *** and neg rep me for a map that i liked
i know right im sending my sexbox tommarowz so hopefully i will have before gears comes out
ok then thats cool i just want to see whatall of my amigos are saying about me since im the coolest kid ever
hey just dont dealete any messages did i get any new ones cuz i saw that you deleted all of them
oh well he is right
haha ok thats cool do you want me to do it
coolzorz u should really get it it is amazing
yeah sure thats cool i dont care even if you did put something about me i could just change it right away
haha nice brohan im so bord are you playing the beta right now
what up brohan how was outback
i did i was at jays
whatup brohan
umm all i can say is that this map amazez me i mean it is most likely the best map i have ever played i can tell you put much time and efert...