I have a map exactly like this already, but at least it works. Troops Hogs seem faster than normal Warthogs to me. We kept jumping over everything...
Looks ok, but most people who have made an Infection map on Sandtrap made it exactly like yours. Zombies- Vehicle Speed Humans- Drive around in...
Looks cool, but does the whole field explode when one is shot?
[IMG] This is my favorite!
It's because they are links to Bungie. Try uploading them to Photo Bucket or Image Shack. Then they would work a lot better. Hope this helps any!
It looks cool, but it looks a little messy. Was it possible to make it a little more even and straight?
Thanks guys. Hope you like it. I officially started Toxic Compound Version Two (TCV2) today. I'll post that when I'm done.
Thanks. I'll work on V2 later today. I found a couple new areas that I might add into it as well.
Looks like a solid map. Well done!
Yeah, 8 players sounds like a good size match for this. I couldn't find a lot of the stores though, lol. I had to bare squeeze around a corner to...
Link to Bnet thread [IMG] It looks like he's falling off the Mongoose. This is one of my favorites.
Here's mine. I call it Buzzer Beater! [IMG] Link to the Bnet thread if it is download worthy!
Looks really well built! Great job.
Go to Photo Bucket or Image Shack and make the images there so we can see them.
Look pretty cool. Can we see a few more screenshots though? Maybe of the map from above?
I downloaded this about a week ago. I really did like it, and it was a fun map to play. However, I don't know what it would be like in a 16 player...
Sounds fun, but I want pics of it. I won't waste my time otherwise. I'm very close to my 50 custom content limit!
I need to see a few pics before I would download this.
I love your maps, but I wasn't crazy about Ghost Golf. The other two were fantastic.
In the beginning of the match, most of it is open. The items are set on respawn times that will appear later into the game. For example, about 20...