Stevo is a poopsmith ... *insert gay innuendo*
This is epic old news. Also, game based on CP ... i smell lols a-brewing.
do any of you little blippers know what a 'Phillips Head Screwdriver' is?
Periphery-All new materials‏ - YouTube
Bullshit member is bullshit. Please expire soon.
lol ... rainbow kiss ...
Horse Porn. Txt bk x
Hahahahahaha .... EXREME *** txt bk x
4/10 for effort. You get full marks for delivery and dress sense though. I like yogurt. Txt bk x
What the ****? ... where the hell have you been?
I <3 Jenna Elfman. She rawks my sawks.
YouTube - Periphery - "Jetpacks Was Yes!" Distort Ent YouTube - Bulb - Jetpacks Was Yes! This. All of the time. Djent 4 life.
I don't play halo. I've been playing Oblivion again ... and Morrowind ... and de Blob 2
This. [/thread]
*uses level 8 revival*
I think I still prefer the Takamine I have, but they're both really nice :) You not play anymore?
Hahaha, well aren't I silly ... Awesome, I'd love a Mac, but I just cannot justify buying one. Haha, I haven't had my old XBox out for sooooo...
Good times :) ... what you doing at uni then? You got much new gear or anything?
Dude! Glad you're back in the red ;) ... my blue robe is in the wash :( I'm pretty good ... mix of order and chaos. Yourself?