No this is my map :)
Really the same version and everything?
Hello again! It has been awhile since I've posted a map since I've been busy, but anyway this is a descent sized custom fat kid map I made called...
Looks good. But maybe change the span of the map, its pretty big which makes it cool but seems like to much space for only a 16 player match....
Looks like a fun map to play with a full party! I'll give it a DL.
I like the idea on how you have to hold out in the base and defend it for as long as you can. Couple ideas you might take in consideration is to...
Looks good but seems like the people on the top floor would control the map way to easy.
Looks very familiar to a 1v1 map from halo 3, but overall good map!
I like this idea of a map but why is their 15 zombs and only 1 human make atleast 4 humans, but overall good job I'll give it a download!
Looks good, but maybe there should be an objective to get to such as a evacuation zone or maybe a safe room? Just saying but overall good job I'll...
First things first, great job on this map!! This looks very accurate to the actual one from CE. But all the humans get is their loadout weaps or...
Thinking about making part 3 of Dead Crysis.
Looks pretty sick! I like how you made the flags out of shield doors and and 1 ways good job!
Map looks pretty dope. I like how you made the floor in the rocket spawn out of platforms and I also like the elevation you threw into your map,...
Who are you?
Well let me check out this map and I'll get back to you on that. Edited by merge: K well first things first, great map! Alright my opinion on...
Well maybe make the bases that are floating actually look like there supported by something and not in just mid air
It looks like you really took the time to make a really good remake of Ascension, good job!
Maybe make 1 sniper instead of 2 but i do like how you put the 4x4 talls and inclines together, looks like a good high and low elevation. Overall...
Wow this looks good especially on PowerHouse. I will download and play with some friends see how it is!