Sorry to burst your bubble bro, but this map goes in casual, or minigame. But otherwise this map (maps?) looks great. It it all works then It will...
I definitely would not be complaining. A 6 sided polygon is a cube, no rounded edge, nothing spectacular. The same box in Reach had: 6 sides,...
Why are you complaining about kill balls? It doesn't make the map play badly, unless you have a turtle beach then you can here the annoy fizzing...
Hello all, I just need one persons time for a day. I as well as two of my friends (and one useless guest), have been trying to get the Vidmaster:...
Go right ahead and do it. Nobodies gonna stop you, so long as you do it with: 36 Carriers 4 Covenant Cruisers 500 Taco Bells 2 McDonalds 3 Burger...
It does look really similar to Dyad. It looks like you just took out some structures. Also it seems you have taken out some of the spawn points....
Aw! why did you hit that zebra? I though I told you to be careful! This mad me laugh a lot, and its the first time I have seen it....
Now, I am not entirely sure that this should go here. But how do you make a screenshot or signature un-ripable on this site? Like what the people...
This is BRILLIANT! BTW, what do you mean by your comment? I am afraid I do not understand it to well
[IMG] This is my first screenshot that is staged posted to this site. I just downloaded Lightroom 3 and was playing around with the effects.
Welcome and its time for attempt #3 to get this thread going. Alright, for those of you who don't know. This is an unofficial competition. It will...
I am glad to see you added cover to Second Sun. I think that you also need to add cover to Wake, but I will download to confirm this. Trifecta...
I think... wait for it... wait some... just a little longer... okay NOW! I just think your bad at halo if you think its hard to kill a hunter....
I thought you could do a loop in Halo 3. I am certain that you can, I took one apart. It was made using Double Blocks, then a man cannon,...
This made me laugh. Why? Because who doesn't love Caboose
I read this, then though omg another rookie. Then I looked at your rank decided you couldn't be that dumb. Re-read it, and then felt horribly...
Alright, I finally got the scoring done. and will post it sometime withing the next few days. Also, to those of you who are will to help me play...
I see what you mean, but obviously others don't. I think that it would make a great jenga gt. But wouldn't it also be easy to get back on the map?
I realized this a while ago, when I first started forging. I also figured out why your statement is true during this time. Glitches are looked...
Conkerkid11: I believe you had commented on my first post saying this was a bad Idea, and I realized that it didn't have to be a good Idea. I...