Clever use of walls and grids
you sir are a genius first minigame iv seen outside of forgeworld i applaud you clap clap clap....
Alright so when you blow the bomb and the window thing disappears! NICE TOUCH! and the core thing is sweet aswell!
this map is horse@#$% LOL I cant get passed a single obstacle but the ideas for the challenges LEGIT my friends and i spent a solid 2 hours at...
Description needed The map is legit tho but some description would be nice
I was like instant download....then i saw the map pack and gave me a sad face otherwise 10/10 for asthetics
If u die as the humans do you respawn as a predator?
This is actually pretty accurate, this was my brothers favorite map while min was som one on the wookie world with a bridge between the two bases...
Good map and all but would it not be easier to not teleport them and place like i dunno a kill barrier??
Holy Crap best map i have seen for ascetics 10/10 Nuff said! We can only hope that this isn't BP's amiright
Maybe this will help
This may help
Happy early birthday then
This month is the month we take time on November 11 to remember our fallen. I ask you on this day to not fight, take the day off shoot-em-up...
Contrary to popular belief, trenches were not used as often in ww11, ww11 was to advanced and stuck to open countryside, and urban environments...
Great map plays fun, i like how you used the neon feel like in a real lazertag fun house type deal. PlEASE KEEP MAKING THESE!
Wow looks good... if only bungie gave us theater mode where we could take clear screenshots....
VIP3R0X Canada Both Forge/Infection/Invasion (see signature for maps)
Hey everyone... i"m looking for forgers that would like to forge with me. I have several ideas that will be released once you have gotten back...
You need pics, i understand that you are having difficulties This may help!!