i bet that tuck alot of time to make
that look like good fun the play on lol
how did u make that man?
i like the xl one dan lol it funny
ii like the way u make it lol=)
that kl ii like the backing how did u do it ?
kl pic i like the back bit of it=)
everone dont play lower the guns plzzzzzzzzzzzzz
kl how u do that?
that map it rel cool ii like how it is ladout:)
i think it is a gd map but if u but box into boxes it will look alot better m8 and if you wont to no hav to do that add me oo0SMiiTHY0oo
kl map m8 i like were the flags are +)
this is a halo site not a runscap site!!!!
sick pic
kl map
ii think u map iis gd m8 i like the thing in the middle :) add me oo0SMiiTHY0oo
ii make map that ii think gd fun and i hop u like iit and just to nice o00dan00o help a lil bit so thxs m8 on there the link -----> Bungie.net :...
the new 1 is goin to be better lol
klkl [IMG]