Re: Elevation Hill Alright, I'll try making a longer description. I'm not to great at it but it can't hurt.
Thanks guys, I'm glad you like it so far, and I hope you like it once you play on it. I spent a while trying to make this map clean and smooth...
I'm willing to give this a try.
Elevation Hill V2 Created by Rossdawgg [br] Updates Added Gametypes and tweaked the Elevator. [br] Supported Gametypes: Capture the Flag, King of...
Well, I'm willing to give it a try. I'll tell you what I think.
I'm going to give this a try, ven if the map looks a little bland.
While it looks a little sloppy, I'll give it a try.
I own both, Naruto.. sucked. I'm a fan of the anime, but this game just let me down down down. Bioshock ftw.
(I wasn't sure where to post it..) I'm not sure how I did this, can anyone explain? All I was trying to do was set up pallets on top of each...
No, there's a lot more weapons than just that shotgun. Most of the weapons on the hiding spots have high re-spawn rates so you can just be cheap,...
Camouflage Created by Rossdawgg [br] Supported Gametypes: Infection Game Types [br] Map Description "An old Spartan training ground has become...
hahaha ops.. I should have at least re-read it huh? I'm glad you all like it:D Forge box you say? I could give it a shot.
Thanks everyone! Glad you guys liked it. No, I actually made that template myself, I used a ruler and measure it out myself. Haha, at least I...
though originality isn't all there in this map, it still looks like it could be fun so I'm going to try it out.
I'm going to give this a try because it looks good and well put together.
Yeah, I belong to and we make our own boxarts for our favorite games and share it with the community. I just wanted to show you...
Do you mean "physically" possible? And yes it is haha.
Then I'm thinking you might like this one. Anyone have any ideas on how to improve the map!?
Dude, I'm totally downloading this. It looks awesome.