First I like the montage but it lacks really good gametypes you were playing Fiesta that ok when it's a fiesta montage but not when it a real...
Thanks Ace I will keep that in mind
Pinstripe make me think of a suit :frustrated: All the rest call them purple!
Q:Is there a door metod geo merge on sandbox?(like the door metod in foundry)
I just want to rate it 10/10 it really looks like a ruined highway can't wait to see finished map
"War never changes halo does" Fallout vaults in halo 3 need tips!!!Asap Ok I came up with an idea that i'm going to make a Fallout vault I have...
Looks really good and well done 4.9/5 needs the wow factor
Well here a story i actually only did this in about 10 mins because in was not on my xbox in my house i was at my friends thats why i'm not were...
Skate! Skate! is a skate park! bet you never seen that one coming, did ya it has lots of things such as a manny pad, mega launch and many stairs...
I love Short Straw i think it's amazing
Thanks dude!
After seeing this thread i thought Some on could really do this i mean...
I'm going to start new map called Oasis. My hopes of this map is for people who like one sided game types will in joy. But I need people to...
Now Eternal, I know how have a thread about l4d remakes i've played some but i'm not making a l4d remake. i'm making a map like l4d The ship map...
What i mean i will do it better!!! i think?
Ok Oh hi people here are some ideas that i'm going to do oh and you can copy but not a lot! a unsc ship in the sky halo wars base a big one...
No one???
I need help i wnat someone to make me a ship it can be a unsc ship or a covenant ship use this for guidelines List of Starships - Halopedia, the...
I want a Unsc frigate for a set for a movie and mabey a covenent one can anyone help i need a really good pic guide or map please If i pick...
This stuff is really cool keep it up and try to be more merry:lol: