Wow dude these tips were absolutly amazing how do u figure this stuff out!?
this was realy helpfull n i just need to find a place to spawn everyhitng so my maps lok good instead of just a junk yard of items
WOW this is a great thread, this should help my forging alot and although i knew most of this it still helps to review
This was extremely helpfull thanks for posting this thread it is great
If you have the spawns set up correctly then you should have t set it to One Sided VIP and i think there should be an option to disalow the team...
very ingenious map great fun to play CTF on and i loved the design. the train made me laugh lol
This is probly the most original and creative map ive ever seen the conver belt and the words with teleporter nodes was genious definatly worth...
I absolutly loved this map!! i remember talking about Machu Pichu in Spanish class and thought it wiould be a great place to visit and then this...
This is a great fast action map i loverd playing team slayer on it keep up the great work man!
Heatwave is a good map it neat even though it is a sky base, probly the neatest sky base ive seen yet great job!
This was a great post. i knew how do do it all but the tip about not taking forge screen shots was a good tip thnx
Thanks this post helped alot i got it down pat now =)
That picture is insane. if you do find out message me will ya?
I have 3 favorite: the song when your fisrt starting halo 3 campain on the Covenent, Luigi's mansion ending credits, and i used to love the...
A good way to make a gamertag is take a character from a game and mess with it or make a compilation of your own name...or BOTH
the second link in your signature isnt working could you send me the link (how to make "clean" merges) i thinks thats it. thx.
Ya sry mate you wont be abl to get your points back, but if your board f the new maps you should try sprucing them up in forge.
Dude totally these people piss me off i have giving like 36 people to be exact bad reviews fr these screen shots. the sad thig is most of them...
Wow this is great i got it working and just wanted to say thanks alot man!
Great screen shots you guys here is one of my favorites. [IMG]