this looks like a great map i remember when the first one came out and it was probly the best map at time great work
Thanks and if you ever want to play a game together on my map with some of my other friends just message me that goes for every one =)
great map i loved the mini stairs made out of bridges very original great work man =)
very nice map bro. i loved all of the fences as walls and floors and everything! great work
Wow great map 5/5 i loved the interlocking in this map it is AWSOME! great work
Ya, i know how to geomerge i was just pointing out that alot of people dont and i liked how you have it in you map cant wait to play it
Very nice map. i was extemely creative and i loves the layout of it all. great work =)
Very nice map, great interlocking, and i loked how you were able to geo merge the stairs not alot of people can do that great work man =)
Hey nice maps i loved the teledoor alot and the jail is nice and it seems pretty smooth. Oh and fyi you dont need to post after ever comment...
Ok im guessing you new to forgehub but you need a description embeded pics and alot of other information before this map stays on the forum go to...
Hey paulie i already downloaded and this map is as fun as it is awsome looking keep up the great work
Hey thanks guys i just got home from vacation and i have played alot of games with people that have downlaoded my map and if any of you would like...
Hey paulie i finnally posted that map im not sure if youve seen the final cut yet so here is the thread on...
Hey nice map gieser and thanks again for downloading my map this is realy fun to play on, but it would look a little neater if you geo forged the...
Ya i thought people would say things about the weapon and vehicle placment but otherwise for the attackers (which is were the prowlers are) would...
Thanks guys and dont forget to rate, and thanks sox fan i will probly invite you sometime when i have a couple of guys over soon so we can play....
Ok, well thanks anyway but ya the boxes are liket hat because the barier of the course forces them like that but i am in the process of fixing...
Ya i have about 5 of those upside down wehicles with the weapons around it. thanks for the comment and dont forget to rate the thread at bingie...
Thank you very much guys and ya all my friend said the same thing about the map being original and loving how it is so much different than other...
Thank you for the post dont forget to download =)