That tower really makes this different from any maze map. Nice job.
Interesting Map! What I love is your first person screens. I haven't seen those in a while. But i think we needs a name change... :squirrel_eyebrow:
Heh, nice but you need some more screens. Looks good so far. Any mongeese (mongooses?!) on the map. This could turn out as a street racing sort of...
Very nice job on this glorious piece of work. How long did this take you? Anyway, i've showed this to almost half my friends list (seriously) and...
Re: Krusty Krab from Spongebob made on Halo! He He, Mrmario makes a spongebob map...suits him. Nice job with the details. Mrmario loves...
Yay a Last Resort Map instead of Foundry!! Nice job building.
Nice screens! This map has a good concept. Ill save it for tomorrow. By the way, lame puns ftw. You dont know how many I get with my name having...
This seems a little like my map 'Nades and your name seems a little similar to mine...Coincidence? Anyway good job building, cept dodgeball maps...
Elevator is very interesting Bob said a base at the top would be quite a task, but it would be really fun. Good job.
This looks really fun. Ill DL when i get the chance.
Favorite map of all time. This is amazing. Thanks alot for making this wonderful map!
Re: Vault (SWAT) This is a very nice map, but I think you should add more to the second building. Anyway nice job.
Very fun map. Nice job.
Very interesting..
As Ufo said, there is no link to download the map. If anyone wanted to download it, they can't. 1st thing you should do is put a link.
Pics aren't working for me.
All of you looking at the pictures and saying there is only one person.. it's just screenshots.
ty for looking