This looks very cool. Ill check it out.
This maeks me want2 build my own gaint robot. But wati, wood that B copying? Ppl tese days. *smiles, laughing at post* :squirrel_wink:
Nice job, but what exactly is the rubble from?
Re: UPSIDE DOWN Foundry video and Download Nice idea, but did you get the ghost upside down?
Very cool, nice job.
Re: Airport and biplane Thanks Cov, maybe you could and I have yet to actually try playing on it.
Re: Airport and biplane Yeah the Wire spools did look sort of funny, but barrels look even worse =\. Thanks for replying guys.
Nice job with the body
Re: Airport and biplane Thanks guys
Airport and Biplane[center] Link to map is Here Hey, I decided to take a stab at aesthetic maps, and this is the first idea that came to mind....
Flesh eating zombies breaking out from tombs and hunting down humans has always interested me.. Cool idea.
Re: Raccoon City - Infection Map (w/ Pics+Vid) Oooo the old maps are starting to be re-used. Just in time for the new DLC. See ya next year old...
Pics aren't working for me either, are they hosted? Bungie "screenshot not found" picture is there.
You gota lose that grenade cache, and all the others. Check out the bungie maps and look at the weapon placement.
Re: Cannon Base 2 This does seem very simliar to the swings. Perhaps you could add something to make this seem less like cottages and more like...
Nice idea, and good job posting your map.
On 2nd pic it says assinated instead of assassinated..Anyway nice idea.
Is this a submission for shell-shocked?
I like this. Very interesting use of window panels
This is very helpful. Btw when i clicked the last resort one, it said "file share item has been deleted. Am i going crazy or is this true.