Yeah I set the object to not spawn at start and fixed it. Thanks for the tip, guys. I've used that method to fix a lot of things since I figured...
This is my approach as well. You want that camping spot? You gotta earn it. You can grab that sniper rifle in the middle of the map, but you...
So...I need respawn points too. Ok then. I guess I'm still a little confused. In what way do respawn areas alter respawn traits? For some reason...
I would like the option to turn off/on physics. Alternative: I wouldn't mind the monitor being able to go higher than the invisible roof on foundry.
Ok, so I've tried respawn areas on one of my small maps. I think it would actually work perfect because the map is nicely sectioned off into...
I shall download this Canvasish at once.
When I built my first serious map, I learned a valuable lesson that I'd like to share with those of you who are kind of new to Forging, like me....
I got lucky. The single open box I had the man cannon sitting in was a floating box. All I had to do to get it to tilt forward was place a single...
Re: Elevation? and Lifts? The closest thing I've come up with is two different shafts made with corner walls (single open boxes kind of work, but...
I think I'll give the respawn areas a try. I wasn't really sure how those worked, so I was wary about using them. The particular map I'm having...
I make a lot of small maps, generally 2 to 4 players. I've gotten down the idea of making the map action-packed, but well-balanced so that playing...
I'm fairly new to forging. I've only got about 4 completed maps, only one of which I actually like (I'll be publishing soon after I finish...
I agree that forging is very Foundry-heavy these days, but look it, no other map offers you the variety of useful scenery that Foundry offers....
I ran into this same problem on a map I'm currently working on. I had a single open box setup across the map from the play area where I setup a...