Does anyone know if any halo2 maps were based off of ice fields? it looks familiar @spirit: Its a gonna give it up
Ice Fields and Death Island? are they dlc maps or something?
Thanks for that. Now that I watched a video with Rat Race, I realized the map i started with the picture looks nothing like the real map. oh well...
I found this picture somewhere and have decided to use it to create a map. Can someone tell me the name of it so i could get more sourced to look...
It looks interesting and different. I like it. The only thing I can suggest is to possibly make more routes and paths for people to choose from....
I prefer to forge alone too. The point about having an extra set of eyes to help you keep things straight does not make sense to me, unless you...
I read in the forgotten treasures page that someone was possibly remaking terminal. You can check out the submissions page if you are curious to...
I dont know if youre checking this anymore, but I found this today about randomized objects....
will we receive our scores for the map/maps we enter?
Im sorry, I read your post but for some reason I thought it was an asymmetric map.
I think it looks good so far, I just have one thought. Arent MLG maps symmetrical most of the time? I can't think of any forge created asymmetric...
The highest possible respawn time for an object is only 3 minutes, 180 seconds
Things like this only happen when I have a friend in the party while I am forging. They say that an objecy is crooked, when I am sure it is...
Dont have halo CE and never played on Longest :/
I considered making an actual conveyor belt, but apart from probably not being able to do it, there arent enough pallets for both sides. It...
I think Arkenspork got into a problem I had but solved. When he was talking about the game ending right away in a tie, I had the same thing...
I like the structures and the setup so far, but try to go easy with the effects. I realize that the effects are key to making the humans stay in...
I am planning on entering my remake of Elongation into the Forgotten Treasures contest when I complete it. I just started today, so it is not near...
I get it now, thanks
Ive seen 'jail cell' structures on maps in the past few days and although it is probably obvious, I cannot figure it out. Can someone clue me in?...