I see you used merging in a few places. I think the map has tones of potientiel but to get that clean, proffesional look you might want to merge...
I enjoy the layout I wish you would just take out the turrets. MLG maps : turrets :: golf : basketballs
#6 Form:Conquest Gamplay: You would start on the bottom of a three Level map. The Frame of the map itself would be like stairsteps. Anyhow you...
This is a great example of the Basics. It's clean well forged and has a smooth playing layout. Great use of the flags. And I enjoyed forgeing...
I dig. I just wish the first pic had just a little more of the sparten showing
I could imagine this map having loads of forge potentiel. Just like Avalnche does. I am so pumped!!
That sounds like a flaw that your xbox or disc is having. I almost want to reccomend redownloading the content pack that this is happening in be...
This map need to be cleaned up its so clutered. I recomend flipping the bridges over to make it look more smooth, geomerging the start spawn boxes...
nice ruff draft. This is about how my stuff looks after 20 minutes. Sorry, not to be rude but I come with critisim that is constructive. What...
wow after getting off work and having that "useless piece of sh*$" feeling you make me feel important again. I'm gonna go forge. And amen for a...
FORGE THEORY This is a forge discussion thread about competitive maps, and what should be considered when making one. I made this because there...
your deffinetly making a good choice but making it in the crypt. Foundry will always fall short on most remakes. This is a very ambitious remake...
24.Man cannon options(power, resistance) 25.x,y,z grid cooridnate options. 26.tools common to gary's mod. Joint maker, rope, wireing for...
Wow, that made more sense then switching to GEICO. And now that you say that yeah. I remeber when I used to make maps for counter strike less...
21.real grass. 22.no object limit Not the bottom of the tin cup. I mean conform to shape Grass. That would be BA
So Lonely
I would love to help. And I really only have forge, food, drinking, and work so im in!! [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] my AIM screen name is khyolcekey
Let me tell you That could possibly be one of the most ambitious things I have every seen done in sandbox. Good luck with all the harder stuff.
I think I could enjoy all of these good job man. I esspecially like some of the sandbox varients. Good clean forgeing, keep up the good work.
This is a really fresh use of the massive amount of space they give you in the crypt. And with the lighting effect it looks brillient. But how...