I was just searching through the latest uploaded videos and found this one, its not amazing and there are things that could've been done better,...
This has been around since 07
Subscribe if you love Gary UK! YouTube- Bowser64's Halo 2 Jump Challenge | Completed By, Gary UK
[IMG] Well its been a while since I've made a video, but today I got up and decided to film some clips I had saved and put them in a video....
Leaks (including pics and videos), or links to leaks, are not tolerated on ForgeHub. Leaks are a result of someone breaking Bungie's...
Wasn't me, it was my friend B Money. He got it for the Look Before You Leap 2 Video.
Please rate :) YouTube - Why you shouldn't Tea-Bag Recon | Done by B M0N3Yx
Subscribe if you like it! YouTube - Overjump Double Edge Ghost Rocket Jump
Subscribe for MORE! YouTube - Halo 3: ODST | Live Action Trailer | We Are ODST
Subscribe for more! YouTube - Overjump Double Edge Ghost Rocket Jump Anyone? Anybody? amyone
If anything thing, jump videos are the least repetitive, killing montages are super repetitive.
Actually I didn't, you don't have to hit it late, I showed the way of doing it quickly for matchmaking.
This guy gets it.
Practice it in Forge.
If it helped you, please Subscribe! YouTube - The BR1 to BR2 Ghost Tutorial
Please Subscribe! YouTube - Rush | A Halo 2 Jumping Video By Gary UK | UNBELIEVABLE
Subscribe! YouTube - How Gary UK gets to the attic on The Pit
Subscribe for more! YouTube - Bocket Jumping | A Jumping Video by BacKtoBasiKs
I have a bad feeling it may only be 3.
Did you see that he was holding 3 frags?