Weapons 75 percent DONE! Beta will be realesed in 10 minutes final in 1 week! so we can make it better Taking pics of map to help get downloads...
Me and my friend have been secretly finishing up a map which will be done in an hour or 2 so just wait and i hope you will all like it!
If you click start new round so many times it automatically ends.
Mabe once done with this we could work on some kind of map but really dude its looking really good.
ill help add me abr massacre 01
After me and a few friends test the new map style and game i will put on some final touches and release beta 2 it has a new elevator new vault...
Ok i accidently deleted them when i made the beta version which is posted. But tonight beta 2 should be released which everybody should like more.
Well remember still a beta and just finished up another massive clean up plus new vault doors and a actual elevator plus merged so there is...
Yeah but i need someone to help me its getting hard with school and everything else.
I need about one more week of work to finish final touch ups no merging or interlocking in this version actual elevator and improved vault door....
Barely haha.
Probably true but still it sucked.
Not secret just other ways in so it would be hard to camp. Making game play smoother and more fun. Also give me some ideas for some new...
Tired of call of duty make like future warfare and then be done with it. Making something new already.
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See im not so good at that if i had someone to work with me it would be easier. Anyone want to help? If you do just post here or pm me.
Will resize tonight. Thanks any ideas on how to make the door Pics resized Please try it then give me some suggestions for map and gametype.
Note1: You may compare to previous version Here Note2: This is a beta, stuff will most likely be fixed and cleaned up by final release also Click...
Ok beta version will be released tonight after some work to make gametype better plus extended vault and smoother and clean elevator and map so...