Whoa Whoa Whoa, Deiuwd! Don't forget about FarCry 2?
Re: Best Video Game Of All Time. Golden Eye for the first real, popular FPS Nahh... Halo CE
Re: Tarantula Tower Great job on the merging! Downloading now... I'll comment back soon
I DLed and forged around to examine it. Looks very good, should be a great FFA map.
Thanks, I didn't think much of this map when I was creating it the first day... everything just sorta fell in place :D
I've heard about that yesterday, I'll need tuhz look moar intoz it. I hate overrated games... besides Halo ofcourse :P
Yeah I hated the intro cut scene... I would always go get a drink or go for a piss when that came up.
I want n+ :s
looks cool... evah tried " n+ "? 360 arcade game Deuiwd you gotta try it.
Hahaha, damn thats crhazy
Nice! 5/5 from the pics, I'll need tuh download to see how it really playzz
Just let it go...
played it last night, theres one place you can jump to... (Above rocket launch), where you can jump onto the ledge and go around half the map on...
Thats supah sillie! :B
Re: poll!!!!!!!!!!!!! A better map editor here Is there a vote for LegoHalo?
Yup, It resembles "locations" on the map... I'm a'gonna have tuh startz using thoz. :I oh seems it could play well... I'll DL
Re: Bunker Hillv3 DLed it from tuh Bungie forums 1 daz ago... I haven't accually played a custom on this map. But I gotta say, great concept!
Thanks again... greatly
Wouldn't this be a "fun-style" and not so competitive map? I'll DL it looks FUN Nice merging btw!
Decent looking map, from Rats Nest, the reason I say that is... I hate Rats Nest 7/10 From the looks, I haven't played it yet, but the map you've...