Nice job, It shows you work hard on your maps. Layout is superb... multiple entrances/exits just the way a map should be made.
Finally got myself to create an interlocked version of this map... check it out, hope you like it!
Alright, I've forgotten a pic, it's the first one now... overview.
Looks good, lots of interlocking involved [thumbs up] Reminds me of a Gears of War style map... O_o
Verse - Author: BANDiTzero 18 ••• Download Verse ••• Available Gametypes: Team Slayer/FFA | KotH | CTF | Territories | Assault |...
Looks great. Nice merging
Everything looks it "tip-top" shape. Yet to see how the map plays though, seems it will play pretty well balanced. I have to point out, there is...
Very nicely done. Lots of mixed weapons there, no Carbine/BR, Crhazzzy I'll give it a go in a sec, I'll let you know how it functions on both sites ;D
Thats a very good map. looks well planed out, and time consuming to create. Keep up the work!
Very nice!, everything is straight and in line. I'll DL
Looks really cool, I like what you've done with the walkways.
looks like a great competitive map! ...Waiting on your updated version 9/10 Nice merging.
Thats ok man, it happens. The soccer ball you ask? It's just a scenery item that acts like a pump... map suppose to be at Voi's water treatment...
New pic is up, (1st pic) Overview of entire map Also links to Gametypes made for Verse are added too.
Thanks, Yes lots of work was put into it... especially the roof, that actually taken days of work. btw, the post alone took about 2 hrs, had tuh...
Re: Tarantula Tower Very good and original design. Plays nicely. -8/10 As you've said before, the spider web... I've fallen victim to it 2...
No no no... Not a casual map at all. Infection is one of the many great gametypes it works well with, Oddball I would say really fits this map...
Verse Author: BANDiTzero 18 • • • Download Verse • • • _________________________________________________ Available Gametypes:...
Uhhm, I've heard it's only on PS3. I don't know anything about that game tho.
Hell yes, Mass Effect is worth $60 Story line is great, you'll play it more than once. Combat is sort of like GoW (Camera views, guns, etc...)...