Well mabye it's true what you say about that it varies alot.But site like gamebattle.com would mostly have a proffesional people because if you...
Not unlimited guns they are almost all the same only look otherwise. And 100 Enemies? I would say like 7 or something....
looks great 5/5 well forged..
Well,, but on Gamebattle you play with the best halo players i think. I mean it's Major League gaming.. But you don't can win anything ?...
I have played Borderlands. And believe me. It isn;'t worth it after 12hours you think. This game is all the same. The environment,weapons and...
Yea you're right about that but are you willing to pay for it €10,- because you are never sure if you win ..
If i'm messing around with friends on halo like playing social big team. Then I do it many times because it's quite funny to piss off some people=P
If there would be tournaments where you could win for example €15,- . Would you be able to pay €3,- . I'm talking about "Online Tournaments"....
I'm very happy with the ghost merging.Because things you couldn't forge perfectly. You can forge now perfectly. Like forging the air is now...
I'm Really sure this map has been done before!
Well it writes that i don't have any permission to post there.. And i tryed everthing i even talked with a adminstrator but he said that it should...
Hey guys,, I've today finished my map. And i think it is become a great map. Mabye some things a bitty crappy like that walls are not completly...
But the question is how do i remove the walls again?
I'm making a map and almost done but i had a budget glitched map. So i want to remove the lasers . But i have no idea how to come to the lasers....
That would be much better tomorrow because i have to go soon to so. Thanks CAn anyone help me with unblocking it? The guy didn't help me...
Hey ,, I downloaded a budget glitch with the lasers blocked.But now i'm almost finished. I think it wasn't that good idea to block them because...