Yea you see the outline of a marine. It's pretty indistinguishable-haha big word from anything else. Once you see the figure it's fairly clear...
nice map, played it over a friends, downloading now.
It is in campaign, On Tsavo Highway. Took the pic right at the beginning.
Don't mind you disliking the pic but I may have not read you right but there is a guy in the picture. Yea I admit it's hard to see but he's there...
Just a random name I made up. Made the picture in campaign on Tsavo Highway.
Thanks, I know it is hard to see, But once you see it you won't miss it again. Everytime I look at the pic I see him.
IMPRISONED Imprisoned The vague figure seen through the flames, beyond the fence, has been identified as staff sergeant Steven...
If you like sniping, it definitely isn't boring. So I didn't make something perfect in the map like other maps where people spend 30 minutes on...
I am getting a new pic to be embedded tomorrow. The one now does not work.
Thanks guys, I actually am in the progress of making much, much better maps. Not sayin this is bad but they will be insane. Problem is I'm workin...
oh, the pic I put doesn't work, I'll get a new one up.
The link in red does not work on my computer. Do not ask me why. It has happened before. Could someone post what is wrong. Then I could see. Sorry.
F.F.A. xSNIPINGx: Possibly the best free for all sniping map, maybe even the best sniping map, period. Download Map! Download Gametype!...