Hmmm....I have a question....perhaps I just posted my latest map in the wrong forum. Mad Max on Thunder Road This is essentially a "race" but...
Map: Thunder Road Mode: Mad Max This is a game/map for folks that both like to race AND those that don't like to race. There are no honor rules...
[IMG] This post is for three new courts for my previous game mode Tschei'kour-da as requested. I figured rather than spam the forum with 3 new...
Here's one we made for fun.... [IMG] I later made it longer and replaced the missing side fence someone had deleted in this's fun to...
Gravity AND angle of entry effect it.....I noticed this alot on my "Red v Blue" map with the "jumpgates" to loft players onto the court.... [IMG]...
Thanks for the replies....I am currently working on a couple of new (and a remake or two of a couple of old) courts I made. They should be posted...
I always thought they designed the new maps with this placement technique in mind. I do not think it is a glitch, as you cannot use the "save and...
I agree..... The "Sandtrap court" was just the prototype.....this game was just waiting for foundry to have the perfect court.....I hardly play...
Sorry 'bout that...did not even realize I left out the description! Added it to the top post. Thanks to all for checking it out! :squirrel_giggle:
We played this one the other's really nice...except once the humans figure out how to convoy to the's pretty much impossible...
Re: Crooked Crown: Two gametypes in one for controlled mayhem!!!{{Pics & Slidesh Nope...overall, it was very good....a couple of the clan guys...
Re: Crooked Crown: Two gametypes in one for controlled mayhem!!!{{Pics & Slidesh that must be what I saw.....I'll send it up to my fileshare...
Re: STAIRWAY2HEAVEN - A Race Map on Foundry It does look really neat...but some of the turns were almost impossible to make....and falling off...
Re: Crooked Crown: Two gametypes in one for controlled mayhem!!!{{Pics & Slidesh We tried it out....lots of fun...but I'd have to agree about the...
I'm d/l'ing it now so we can try it out in our wednesday group tonight...looks nice! Love the panorama shot! I was thinking along the same lines...
Re: Tschei'kour-da (similar to grif-ball, but better courts, gameplay) You should really specify that in a stickied thread then...I checked the...
Re: Loop D (Full loop-d-loop, pics included) The loop is definately the best I have seen out there as well...and the banked turns, like the...
Already D/L'd and love this one...really fun with a late joiner, as you get 2 or 3 "Pac-men" going. Sadly, one kid that played with us last night...
Well, to be completely open, I do not post anything here that I have not tested and gotten terrific feedback from the players on. Plus, I think...
Re: Mumbai Express - The craziest ride you've ever been on! Check out the show but one of 3 "volleys" I had where I got tossed...