zomg teh cake is a spy
ohai |=O
Spy check!!!!
........spy check!!!
Well I wanted to but you wouldn't accept my partay invite :P How about this weekend?
Oh my gewd... When was the last time you played the Orange Box! >:O I'm ashamed of you!
Forging 101 - Forge Hub Halo Forums
hehe, yeah :P
Best Fight Scene EVER! | PhillyD.tv
That's pretty much the exact same as me; anything that's been significantly on my mind (usually that night, but not always) is many times included...
ohai check out mah avatar :O
Yeah, I'd assume so... =P What parts of the test were there? For us it's an 80 question multiple choice, 2 free response essays, and 1 DBQ. I'm...
difficult AP Euro studying is difficult =\ anyway, how'd your AP test go?
I see what you did thar!!!! featurE naO!!!!! xD
Perfection on SWAT; I had 14 kills with about 5 seconds to go. I turn the corner and see two enemies running my way. With 1 second second left, I...
Hey, good to see you got the picture up and running. The aesthetics look great, although I agree with Speed E Cake in the sense that the...
First off, I have to say I love the concept of this map, and the aesthetics look great, especially the center – the center looks fantastic, and so...
Perhaps you are not looking in the correct place? When you find your service record on Bungie.net, click on "Screenshot Gallery", then click on...
Heh, my gamertag (EXC Riku) has a pretty simple origin; "Riku" is one of the main characters from Kingdom Hearts, so I used his name as my...
I completely understand and agree with what you are saying, but you have to understand that so many people misunderstand what this flu really is,...